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Developing an IMC. A resource for high school marketing teachers. TheMarketingTeacher.

Developing an IMC

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This Project WebBook is intended to help teachers who have students competing in the newly redesigned Integrated Marketing Campaign Event.  The goal is to include "everything" a student needs to create a quality project.  OK, perhaps not everything.  I'll leave it up to you to help them develop the drive, commitment and work ethic necessary to create a winning project!

This Project WebBook is different than the ones offered to help with the BOE Event.  Those must be created each year because the topic changes.  This resource will be updated and added to, but the good news is there is not a need to totally revamp it each year.  As a result, you buy it once and use it forever (that sounds like a long time).

Tabs include:

  • Project breakdown
  • What is an IMC?
  • Setting Objectives
  • Determining Your Market
  • Selecting Media
  • Determining Activities
  • The Schedule
  • Budget
  • Key Metrics
  • Examples
  • Additional Resources

Key Benefits of a Project WebBook

  • Updated information that takes pressure off the teachers
  • Allows a student to work on the project anywhere with an internet connection
  • One username and password for all your students
  • Lifetime access.  Pay once, use it forever.
  • Links to current articles and website on the topic