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Introducing the Marketing Certification Program: Elevating Potential. Celebrating Achievement.

(Note: 2 versions are available.  The Test and Project Version is described below. A Test Only Version is also available).

Elevate Your Students’ Marketing Mastery

Welcome to the future of marketing education! We are excited to introduce our Marketing Certification Program, thoughtfully designed to recognize and cultivate the marketing prowess of high school students. This program isn't just a testament to academic achievement; it's a symbol of excellence in the ever-evolving world of marketing.

Certification Requirements: A Benchmark of Excellence

Our certification process sets a high bar, ensuring that only the most dedicated and knowledgeable students earn this accolade. The journey begins with a comprehensive 100-question objective exam covering a wide spectrum of marketing principles. Students must demonstrate their mastery by scoring a minimum of 80% to advance to the next phase.

The challenge continues with a project submission, where students apply their knowledge in a practical, real-world scenario. This project must also meet the 80% proficiency benchmark, allowing students to showcase their creativity, strategic thinking, and marketing acumen. NOTE: The project is evaluated by the teacher.  Results are reported after completion. You will be provided with the project template and rubric.

Exclusive Recognition: Digital Badge and Certificate

Upon completing both stages, students are awarded a digital badge and certificate, symbols of their hard-earned expertise and dedication. These digital honors are a personal triumph and a valuable asset in their educational and professional portfolios. 

Special Recognition for Schools and Educators

The accolades don’t stop with the students. In recognition of their achievement, school principals will receive an email celebrating the success of their individual students. This recognition serves to highlight the school’s commitment to excellence in marketing education.

Furthermore, teachers guiding these young minds will also receive a digital badge, honoring their program for nurturing the next generation of marketing professionals. This badge represents the program and its role in shaping future marketing leaders.

Empower Your Students Today

Our Marketing Certification Program is more than just a certification; it’s a journey towards excellence, an opportunity for students to shine and schools to celebrate their success. Enroll your students today and embark on a path that leads to recognition, achievement, and a bright future in the world of marketing.

Elevate. Recognize. Celebrate. Join the Marketing Certification Program Now!

Pricing is per student.