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sustainable marketing. textbook. web-based.  DECA. A resource for high school marketing teachers. TheMarketingTeacher.

Sustainable Marketing: A New Era of Business

Regular price $ 49.00 Sale

(Pre-order: Release Date is May 1, 2023)

This Mini-WebBook on sustainable marketing offers an introduction to sustainability, ethical considerations, and consumer behavior. With case studies of successful campaigns and analysis of global brands leading the way, your students will learn to build a sustainable marketing strategy and explore the future of sustainable marketing trends.

Your purchase includes a lifetime site license and 14 assignments complete with rubrics.

Here is the Table of Contents:

Introduction to Sustainable Marketing

  • What is sustainable marketing?
  • Importance of sustainable marketing
  • Ethical Considerations in Sustainable Marketing

Understanding Sustainability

  • What is sustainability?
  • Importance of sustainability in business
  • Sustainable development goals

The Role of Marketing in Sustainability

  • Marketing and environmental responsibility
  • The concept of green marketing
  • Sustainable product development

Building a Sustainable Marketing Strategy

  • Consumer Behavior and Sustainable Marketing
  • Sustainable branding and communication
  • The importance of measuring sustainability impact

Examples of Sustainable Marketing

  • Case studies of successful sustainable marketing campaigns
  • Global brands and sustainable marketing

Sustainable Marketing in the Marketing Plan

Here is a list of assignments:

  • Importance of Sustainable Marketing
  • Sustainable Marketing Analysis
  • Sustainable Living in Action
  • Ethical Considerations in Sustainable Marketing
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Marketing and environmental responsibility
  • Green Marketing Social Media Campaign
  • Sustainable Product Development Infographic
  • Sustainable Marketing Strategies
  • Sustainable Branding and Communication
  • The Importance Of Measurement
  • Global Brands and Sustainable Marketing
  • Design Sustainable Business Plan
  • Sustainable Marketing Plan for a Consumer Goods Brand