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Branding: Design & Strategy

Branding: Design & Strategy

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Unlock the Power of Branding with Engaging Assignments for Your Students!

Are you looking for a comprehensive way to immerse your students in the world of branding? Look no further! Introducing Branding: Design & Strategy, a dynamic collection of activities designed to make branding come alive in your classroom. This resource will give your students hands-on experience with real-world branding concepts, from creating a brand from scratch to analyzing well-known companies' strategies.

Here's a sneak peek at the powerful assignments your students will love:

1. Brand Case Study  

Have your students explore the evolution of famous brands, exploring their mission, vision, identity, and competitive differentiation.

2. Create a Brand 

Students will build their own brand from the ground up—logo, slogan, core values, and all! They’ll even define their target audience and explain how their brand will stand out.

3. Brand Audit 

Let your students become brand consultants, diagnosing a struggling brand’s weaknesses and proposing strategic improvements to revitalize its image.

4. Rebranding Project 

Students take on the role of brand strategists, developing a fresh rebranding strategy—complete with a new logo, tagline, and marketing plan—to help a company reach new audiences.

5. Brand Identity Presentation 

Students will analyze the brand identity of famous companies, from logo design to tone of messaging, and explain how these elements reflect brand values and audience appeal.

6. Brand Personality Exercise 

Students will bring brands to life by describing their personalities as if they were people, analyzing how traits like “friendly” or “adventurous” come through in marketing communication.

7. Brand Comparison 

From Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi to Nike vs. Adidas, students will compare two competing brands and evaluate their branding Strategy and audience engagement.

8. Brand Storytelling 

Your students will flex their creative muscles by building a fictional backstory for a brand, complete with mission, values, and problem-solving inspiration.

9. Personal Branding Assignment 

Students will create their own personal brand by designing a resume, LinkedIn profile, logo, and portfolio to showcase their unique strengths and interests.

10. Brand Experience Design 

Students will design a holistic brand experience, considering everything from packaging and website design to customer interactions and store layout.

11. Social Media Branding Analysis 

How do brands use Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok? Students will analyze the social media presence of a brand and evaluate how it aligns with its identity and messaging.

12. Influencer Marketing and Branding 

Students will write a paper exploring how influencers impact brand perception, using real-life examples to assess the effectiveness of influencer partnerships.

13. Brand Loyalty Campaign 

Your students will create a loyalty program designed to engage customers, build brand loyalty, and increase brand equity for a specific company.

14. Logo Redesign Challenge 

Students will redesign an existing brand’s logo and explain how the new design reflects an updated or improved brand message.

15. Brand Jingle or Slogan Creation 

Encourage students to get creative as they write a catchy jingle or slogan that aligns with a brand’s values and target market, making it memorable to consumers.

Branding: Design & Strategy offers a complete toolkit to prepare your students for success in the marketing world. It’s perfect for sparking creativity, developing critical thinking, and helping students gain a deeper understanding of how brands shape consumer perception.

Ready to bring branding to life in your classroom? Let your students master the art of branding with Branding: Design & Strategy!

Here is a sample: Saving a Sinking Brand