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Progress Over Perfection

As high school marketing teachers, we're tasked with not only educating our students about the principles of marketing but also preparing them for the world business. It's a domain where change is the only constant, and the willingness to innovate sets the foundation for success. This article aims to explore why we, as educators, should embrace the imperfect action and the learning opportunities it brings, instead of waiting for the perfect moment or the error-free plan. 

The Myth of Perfection

In the pursuit of excellence, it's tempting to wait until every aspect of a lesson plan or a new teaching tool is flawlessly aligned with our curriculum and expectations. However, in doing so, we might be doing a disservice to ourselves and our students. The pursuit of perfection can be an unending journey. The reality is, perfection is more about direction than destination.

The Merits of Embracing Imperfection

  1. Fosters a Growth Mindset: By trying new methods and technologies, even before they’re perfected, we show our students that learning is a process. We demonstrate that growth often comes from trial and error, and that's perfectly acceptable.
  1. Encourages Innovation and Creativity: Innovation does not result from waiting for perfect conditions but rather from the willingness to improve. When we implement new tech or strategies in their early stages, we open doors to creativity for both ourselves and our students.
  1. Builds Resilience and Flexibility: When things don't go as planned, we learn to adapt. This is a valuable life lesson for students who will enter a job market that requires agility and problem-solving skills over textbook perfection.
  1. Speeds Up Learning: Waiting for perfection often delays implementation and results in missed opportunities. By moving forward with what we have, we can quickly learn what works, what doesn't, and how to adjust our approach.
  1. Keeps Content Fresh and Relevant: Marketing changes rapidly. By introducing new technologies and approaches into the classroom as they become available, we help our content remain current and engaging.

The Impact of New Approaches

Experimenting with imperfect tools or strategies (embracing ”beta”) can lead to breakthroughs in teaching. That new social media platform might become a case study in viral marketing, or a glitchy software can result in a discussion about crisis management in tech rollouts. The point is, imperfection can create the perfect learning opportunities.

Technology as an Ally, Not an AdversaryIn our digital era, technology is a critical aspect of marketing. Waiting to master every new tool or platform before bringing it to the classroom means we'll always be playing catch-up. We will be reactive. Instead, we should view technology as an ally in our teaching endeavors. Embracing tech in its early stages can provide valuable insights into the realities of the marketing world. It allows us to be proactive!

The 'Test and Learn' Approach

A 'test and learn' philosophy encourages teachers and students to look at every attempt as an experiment. Not every social media campaign will be a hit, and not every market analysis will be accurate, but there's always value in the attempt. This approach helps to develop an analytical mindset, encouraging students to examine both successes and failures for valuable insights.

What I am Trying to Say is . . . 

The key to thriving in the modern classroom is to move forward with courage and curiosity. Trying new things in our classes, even when they're not perfect, is not just acceptable; it's essential. It prepares our students for the real world, where adaptability and continuous learning are among the most sought-after skills.

Let's set aside our desire for the award-winning lesson or the search for the error-free app. Instead, let's focus on creating a learning environment where failure is celebrated, since it is evidence of moving forward.

If you are a marketing teacher who wants to be proactive and push the envelop a bit, take a look at this.


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